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WordPress Log Notifications Plugin

WordPress Log Notifications Plugin

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This plugin is a simple administration plugin for WordPress. It just sends logs to some webhooks. It currently supports sending notifications to :

  • Discord
  • Slack
  • Telegram


The plugin sends notifications for multiple events.


The plugin sends notifications when :

  • A post is published
  • A post is updated
  • A post is deleted
  • A post is drafted

Example on Discord, Slack and Telegram

New post notification


The plugin sends notifications when :

  • A new comment is posted
  • A comment is approved
  • A comment is unapproved
  • A comment is deleted
  • A comment is spammed
  • A comment is permanently deleted

Example on Discord, Slack and Telegram

New comment notification


  1. Download the plugin as a zip file
  2. Upload the plugin to your WordPress website (Plugins > Add new > Upload plugin)
  3. Activate the plugin
  4. Go to the plugin settings page (Settings > Admin Notifications Plugin)
  5. Fill the settings and save them