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Sneakers Finder


Repo GitHub du projet :

Sneakers Finder is a web crawler that crawls over WeTheNew and StockX. The crawler scrapes all available shoes on WeTheNew (SKU / Image URL / Price / Brand / Model) and then scrapes the price for the same shoe on StockX.
All the scrapped data is then used to be compared on a web interface to display where you can find each shoe at the cheapest price.

Download and Installation

You need to write the following commands on the terminal screen so that you can run the project locally.

1. git clone
2. cd sneakers-finder
3. npm install
4. npm start


The application is running on localhost:3000

The homepage of the web interface is available once a certain amount of shoes has been scrapped, the speed of scrapping depends on your connection speed and the power of your computer.
Once the homepage is available, you can totally browse on the web interface and make researches with the search bar.

Search page


Product page

On the product page you will find a picture of the shoe, the brand, the model, the lowest price and the SKU.
The sites where you can buy the shoes are sorted from cheapest to most expensive.
